So, the promised 05/14 release of gwt-validation 2.1 came and went and I simply forgot. I published it on 05/15 so at least I didn't forget by too much. What I really did wrong was forget to tell anyone.
You can see in our issue tracker a list of issues that were closed as part of 2.1. The focus in 2.1 was mainly on defects found in 2.0 and improving usability. Very little work was done on improving the compatibility with the JSR-303 TCK. We'll get to that later.
So, all hail release 2.1! (Release 2.1 has also been published to Maven Central. For more details, see here.)
Now, we're going to be moving towards Milestone 2.2, and that means addressing the issues with the TCK. I've already outlined each of the areas in which gwt-validation fails against the TCK in the project's issue tracker. You can find these issues here. What remains is to try and find volunteers for the various issues.
So, with that focus, I'd like to set up a sprint schedule and start getting these issues assigned to people and just get the ball moving in that direction.
For more updates on Milestone 2.2 please follow the discussion on our google groups page.
Thank you for following.
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